BigOceanData has digitalised the whole voyage cycle from planning, live voyage management and performance analysis.
Managing Director, Mark Hewish explains how maritime digitalisation is the next major step for the maritime industry:
“Onboard digitalization is the next major step and is intrinsic to reducing operational costs, increasing efficiency and meeting environmental regulations. The BigOceanData platform is feature-rich with the tools required to make monetary savings, keep vessels compliant and meet digitalisation objectives. At BigOceanData, we are committed to helping our customers achieve compliancy and efficiency.”
BigOceanData tools help:
- Voyages start with optimised route planning and integrated approval process
- Real-time route management to stay on plan and budget
- Performance management and daily/noon reports to CII and decarbonisation targets
- Live voyage data, ensures all stakeholders remain confident of meeting RTA and supply chain
- Managers, agents and ports have full visibility for resource management
- Post voyage performance analysis for CII, environmental and Op Ex review

To see how BigOceanData can support your needs, contact us below for a no obligation chat.