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Software upgrade answers security concerns

Cyber security is becoming an increasingly important issue for the maritime industry as ships are open to a growing number of threats. As more onboard systems are run by computers, hackers may gain access to key equipment, including navigation, steering, engine room and cargo handling systems. Although piracy remains a physical security threat to ships sailing around areas off East Africa, the Gulf of Guinea, South China Sea and Malacca Strait, hackers can be anywhere to cause their havoc.

The recent vessel tracking software upgrade by Globavista, the predecessor of BigOceanData,  addresses many security issues and has been developed partly in response to security concerns raised by the maritime industry.

• Delivery of Globavista can be via a dedicated and secure, stand alone PC environment, installed at customer site or via HTTPSsecure web based access, from an Industry leading hosting centre.
• Provision of a Threat Mitigation suite for use in Maritime Security and Insurance markets.
• Manned Operations Room capability available. Utilise the skills of an existing, experienced operations centre operating 24/7, providing a backup to existing facilities.
• By combining Piracy information, Route Risk analysis can be performed against historic data.
• Tools are provided to create, modify and monitor vessel activity against a defined route.
• Alert Manager can set events to be logged – these can be triggered by a number of different actions including entry/exit of a geofenced area, panic button, SSAS, Tamper detection, power loss/battery failure, antenna disconnect detection.
• The Alert Manager notifies one or more operators via e-mail, SMS or a pop up window once one of the above events is detected.
• Improved vessel-positioning data from many different sources including AIS, Inmarsat-C, Iridium, Globalstar,GSM/GPRS, VHF/UHF radio or Argos.

Cyber security was on the agenda at IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) recent meeting. The committee decided, such is the serious nature of the threat, to develop voluntary guidelines on cyber security practices, to protect and enhance the resiliency of systems supporting the operations of ports, vessels, marine facilities and other elements of the maritime transportation system.

Without doubt, Globavista vessel tracking software facilitates greater levels of secure communication between vessels and shore based management, and can play a major role in mitigating maritime security threats, both of a cyber and physical nature.

(Excerpts from Marine Electronics & Communications June/July 2015)


About BigOceanData
BigOceanData is a leader in maritime tracking and telemetry, delivering global vessel tracking and monitoring services along with fleet management tools via its sophisticated browser-based interface. Key features of the BigOceanData product include its ability to fuse data from AIS signals and a range of onboard satellite reporting systems so as to both improve position accuracy and reduce data costs. The system also integrates a series of data feeds and management tools that show users not only vessel locations and movements, but situational data such as marine charting, terrestrial mapping, weather and sea-state (current and forecast), and piracy and other security alerts.

For more information contact or call +44 (0) 207 998 3048.

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BigOceanData is a vessel tracking software portal and service provider for maritime and vessel management.

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